Your Questions Answered On ECO4 Eligibility

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Updated: Feb 21, 2023

The ECO4 scheme is a fantastic project, pushed by the government to assist households throughout Britain that it considers to be living in fuel poverty. Low income and vulnerable families are also likely to meet the qualifying criteria, while there are plenty of reasons you may be eligible to claim funded measures including insulation, boiler upgrades and more.

Read on as UK Energy Management answers some of the most prominent questions about heating funding, eligibility and all things sustainable energy.

Happy family

What Are The Main ECO4 Qualifying Benefits?

If you claim benefits of any description, there is a likelihood that you could receive a grant for installation of energy-efficiency measures. Though these conditions alter with every cycle of the scheme, the core offering remains the same. If you are claiming any of the following, there is a strong chance we may be able to help you:

● Income based Jobseekers allowance (JSA)

● Income related Employment & Support Allowance

● (ESA) Income Support (IS)

● Pension Credit Guarantee Credit

● Working Tax Credit (WTC)

● Child Tax Credits (CTC)

● Universal Credit (UC)

● Housing Benefit (new eligible benefit under ECO4)

● Pension Credit Savings Credit (new eligible benefit under ECO4)

● Child Benefit

I Fit Criteria For ECO3, But Am I Still Eligible?

Of the changes between ECO3 and ECO4, there are particular groups who no longer qualify for government support – although exemptions can be made upon enquiry. The most prominent groups to miss out on automatic funding within this latest instalment include those who claim:

● Armed Forces Independence Payment (AFIP)

● Attendance Allowance

● Carer’s Allowance

● Constant Attendance Allowance

● Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

● Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB)

● Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

● Severe Disablement Allowance

● War Pensions Mobility Supplement (WPMS)

Free Help? What’s The Catch?

Though at first, this scheme may sound too good to be true, there is no catch to be found. Therefore if your circumstances align with the government’s eligibility criteria for the current scheme instalment, the ECO4 grant will be accessible to you. If you are either a homeowner or a private tenant, you can still apply for funded government assistance, and won’t have to pay a penny.

What Are My Eco Grant Options If I Do Qualify?

If you qualify, our engineers will be in touch to book a survey and installation date. The measures chosen for your home will depend on circumstances, with everything from cavity wall insulation and air source heat pumps to solar energy panels. You may be allowing heat to escape from your home in the unlikeliest of ways, so seeking assistance from industry professionals is always recommended.

Are you searching for ‘free heating grants’? Delivering heating funding for eligible customers nationwide, UK Energy Management are committed to doing all we can to deliver savings across the nation. With a passionate and helpful team, we are fully equipped to manage projects from inception to completion. Any questions about the funded measures we can provide? Contact us today.

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Fully funded solutions to improve your homes energy efficiency

Find out if you are eligible for 100% FREE energy efficiency upgrades, simply by entering your postcode:
The Form

Don't worry, many homes do not have a current EPC certificate. Let's find your address from the Royal Mail instead:


Your address does not have a valid EPC certificate

Don't worry, whilst your property doesn't have a current Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) we can still check your eligibility by taking some more details from you. Just click next button to proceed.

Your rating score is:


The lower your home's energy efficiency rating, the more money the government make available for you to improve it.

Due to the EPC rating of your property, your home's rating is unlikely to be improved by the measures we install. We are sorry that we cannot help you further in this instance.


Unfortunately ECO4 funding is not currently available directly to the occupant of Social housing.

Please contact your Local Authority directly for more information on how to improve the Energy Efficiency Performance of your home.

We are sorry we could not help you further

Fully funded solutions to improve your homes energy efficiency

Find out if you are eligible for 100% FREE energy efficiency upgrades, simply entering your postcode:
Don't worry, many homes do not have a current EPC certificate. Let's find your address from the Royal Mail instead:

Your address does not have a valid EPC certificate

Don't worry, whilst your property doesn't have a current Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) we can still check your eligibility by taking some more details from you. Just click next button to proceed.

Your rating score is:

Due to the EPC rating of your property, your home's rating is unlikely to be improved by the measures we install. We are sorry that we cannot help you further in this instance.
The lower your home's energy efficiency rating, the more money the government make available for you to improve it.
Unfortunately ECO4 funding is not currently available directly to the occupant of Social housing.

Please contact your Local Authority directly for more information on how to improve the Energy Efficiency Performance of your home.

We are sorry we could not help you further