How to Utilise the Government Electric Heating Grant

Did you know that you can get £140 off your electricity bill throughout winter 2021-2022 with the Warm Home Discount Scheme? Lots of government schemes are providing support free or subsidised energy-saving measures in order to support those who are vulnerable. With this in mind, we’re going to discuss what you need to know about […]
How to Stay Warm This Winter: Cavity Wall Insulation, Thermal Curtains and More

Every home should be warm, comfortable and safe all year round. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. If your house is old, poorly built, located in a particularly cold area, or constant heating is too costly, it might get extremely chilly during the winter months. Luckily, there are a number of things you can […]
Your Guide to Solid Wall Insulation

Uninsulated walls can cause your home to lose a significant amount of heat, meaning your heating system will have to work harder for longer to reach the desired temperature. Not only does this mean you’ll spend much of your time at home feeling chilly, but your energy bills will also most likely be through the […]