Tips to Keep the Elderly Safe This Winter

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Winter can be a tough time for elderly or vulnerable people; the cold makes existing health conditions harder to manage and older people may find it more difficult to stay warm. It’s important to know how to manage the colder months, whether your elderly yourself or have elderly relatives and loved ones. There are plenty of steps you can take to ensure you stay warm and safe this winter, so read on for our top tips.

Avoiding slips and falls

Ice and snow can pose a real danger to the elderly and a slip or fall can cause a range of injuries, including severe bruising and fractures. Try to avoid going out if it’s icy outside and get friends or family to deliver shopping instead. If you do need to venture out, ensure you have footwear with a sturdy grip and use a walking stick or walking aid for balance.

Keeping your home warm

Many older people worry about the cost of keeping the heating on all winter, but help is available. Most elderly people will qualify for the Winter Fuel Payment, which gives between £100 and £300 tax free to help pay for heating. You may also be eligible for a heating upgrade through the government’s ECO3 Scheme. This helps those in low-income or vulnerable households to access free heating upgrades, like extra insulation or a new boiler.

Maintain a balanced diet

It’s important to stick to a healthy, balanced diet all year round, but especially during winter when our bodies burn more calories to stay warm. It’s a good idea to eat something warm for every meal, for example soups, stews or pre-cooked batches of meals that can be easily heated up. It’s also a good idea to add Vitamin D and Omega 3 supplements to your diet.

Wrap up in layers

If you want to stay warm, several thinner layers are more efficient than one thick layer. Some elderly people may need help getting dressed if they’re adding lots of tight layers, so ensure they have access to the assistance they need. A thermal vest is a good place to start, then you can add layers of long-sleeved clothing in materials like wool, flannel and cashmere. Don’t forget thick, cosy socks and even a hat if you’re still feeling the cold inside.

If you’re elderly and worried about keeping warm this winter, contact UK Energy Management (NE) Ltd to see if you’re eligible for a heating upgrade. We can help you secure funding through the ECO3 Scheme for a number of upgrades, including loft insulation, a new gas boiler or an electric heating grant. Our team of certified experts can also install these new heating measures for you, so give us a call today or contact us online to find out more.

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