Tips to Keep Your House Ventilated During Winter

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With the days getting colder and the nights pulling in, it’s once again come to that time of year when all we want to do is crank up the heating and keep the doors and windows firmly shut until spring. However, many UK homes suffer from some form of damp or mould problem which, when combined with poor heat retention, results in a greater chance of the dwellers catching a cold or flu and having their asthmatic problems agitated – not to mention the fact that everyone is still freezing!

Striking the balance between insulation and ventilation can be difficult during the winter months. Fortunately, however, it’s not impossible. Here at UK Energy Management, our team of experts have put together some tips on how to stay warm whilst also allowing for proper air circulation in your home this winter.

Open skylight windows

What happens if my house isn’t properly ventilated?

Lack of ventilation can have serious effects on your property, and can lead to issues such as condensation and black mould. Mould is easily identified by black spotting across walls and ceilings, as well as a musty smell. High levels of moisture can cause wallpaper to peel and wither. Mould also produces allergens and toxic substances; inhaling or touching mould spores can trigger an allergic reaction and, in some cases, an asthma attack.

Keeping the Warmth In

● Use draft excluders on the front and back doors.

Install insulation in the loft to keep heat in (this will also reduce your heating costs).

● Hang up lined curtains and drawer them earlier in the evening to retain heat.

● Install double glazing if you haven’t done so already, but remember to utilise the ‘trickle’ facility to keep air flowing.

Keeping the Humidity Levels Down

● Avoid drying clothes on radiators. Instead, use a heated dryer to dry clothes, or use your local laundrette.

● Always place lids on pans whilst cooking food.

● Open windows for an hour or longer on mild days if possible. If not, leave windows on ‘trickle’ mode to allow for airflow.

● Make sure that there is appropriate drainage around the house that can handle any extra rainfall.

● Make sure that any water leaks from plumbing and guttering are promptly repaired.

● Keep the bathroom and kitchen windows open when possible, or use extractor fans if you have them.

● Use a roof ventilation system that will help to reduce condensation.

Keeping Fresh Air Circulating

● Air the house out when possible.

● Use less strong-smelling cleaners and air fresheners.

● Keep on top of dusting using microfiber cloths and vacuum regularly.

● If you or someone you live with is a smoker, smoke outside of the house.

● Use central heating or electric heaters over log burners and gas fires.

● For wooden or laminate flooring, use large rugs or install under-floor insulation.

UK Energy Management: Here to Help

If you require further guidance on how to properly ventilate your home whilst staying warm this winter, be sure to get in touch with UK Energy Management, where a member of our friendly team will be happy to offer you expert advice on all things energy related. Whilst you’re here, be sure to fill out our quick and easy application to find out if you’re eligible for the government’s free energy scheme – it only takes a minute to complete and could save you hundreds of pounds!

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