The Advantages of Storage Heaters

Storage heaters are a great way to provide heat for your home while saving you money on your bills. However, they are usually thought to be too hot in the morning and too cold in the evening. Fortunately, this is usually due to user error, and storage heaters are a great way to provide the […]
How to Make Your House More Comfortable

We spend most of our time at home, and the last thing you want is for your home to be uncomfortable. Living in a house that is comfortable will not only boost your mood, but it is also inviting for guests and visitors too. Nobody wants to have an uncomfortable home, luckily there are a […]
ECO4: How Do I Know If I Am Eligible?

Updated: May 13, 2022 Previously known as ECO3, The Energy Compliance Obligation (ECO) entered its next iteration (ECO4) in March 2022 and is scheduled to run through until 2026. At this moment in time, the Government is consulting on what the next stage of energy compliance will be and how ECO4 will differ from its predecessor. […]
Signs You Need Boiler Replacement

The household boiler is a crucial appliance, especially during spells of colder weather. Responsible for sending hot water to radiators and water sources, It functions both as an appliance to heat your home and as a utility to provide hot water for baths, showers and sinks. Combining the functions of a water heater and a […]
What is the ECO3 Flexible Eligibility Scheme?

We believe that everyone should be comfortable in their home, and with faulty or broken heating systems a common issue within households, those cold evenings can really affect the family. Boiler fixes and replacement heating appliances can prove to be expensive however, and with the cost of living steadily increasing, these basic necessities are not […]