Low Cost Warmth: The Benefits Of Electric Storage Heaters

In today’s world of rising energy costs, everybody is feeling the pinch. It is therefore more important than ever to think about where your household heating is coming from, and how you can run your home cost effectively. One alternative to traditional central heating is the electric storage heater, which can bring a whole range […]

Time For A Change: 5 Signs You Need New Loft Insulation

As energy prices soar, it’s the little things that matter when it comes to heating your home efficiently. This means closing the windows and doors when the heating’s on, or thinking about supplementing your mains electricity with solar. Another great way to make your heating go further is to invest in insulation. Loft insulation in […]

Upgrade Your Heating System Before Summer: A Comprehensive Guide

With summer just around the corner, there’s no better time than now to upgrade your heating system and improve your home’s energy efficiency. You may be wondering why, and why now? Well, not only does the energy efficiency of your home keep it warm in the winter, but it helps to keep it cool in […]