With the cold weather creeping in, the last thing you need is your kids constantly asking you to put the heating on. With the rising energy prices, you may be avoiding your central heating to cut down on your costs during the colder months. Our guide is here to help you keep your kids warm throughout the winter months without having to crank up the thermostat. To find out more, keep on reading!

Tips For Keeping Kids Warm When It’s Cold
These are some of our best tips for keeping your little ones warm this winter!
Hot Water Bottles
Hot water bottles aren’t just great for soothing aches and pains, they are an effective way of staying warm without cranking up the heating. You can find hot water bottles in a range of stores, and you simply need to boil the kettle and fill up your bottle! They can stay warm for hours on end, and your kids can take them around the house as a personal, portable heat source! Just be sure that your kids don’t burn themselves, try buying a hot water bottle with a sleeve or cover.
What may seem like a simple tip can prove very effective in keeping you and your children warm. Lots of thin layers will help keep your body nice and warm throughout the day. You can try investing in some good thermals to put underneath your usual clothes, keeping you and your children nice and insulated.
Thicker Duvets
Many of us switch duvets throughout the year to accommodate the warmer summer months and the cold winter. If you haven’t changed your summer duvet, it might be worth looking into a thicker, warmer winter duvet! This can help your kids stay warm at night and wake up nice and cosy, without having to put the heating on all night.
Hearty Meals & Warm Drinks
Hearty meals and warm drinks are another simple way to keep your kids warm! Hearty winter meals like soups, pies, and other carb-filled dishes are good for keeping your kids nice and warm while being well fed!
While your kids probably won’t be interested in a cup of tea, you can still offer them warm drinks during the evening to help warm them up. Hot chocolates always go down a treat, or even some warm milk before bed can do the trick!
Still Struggling?
If you’re still struggling to keep your family warm, there are a range of council heating grants and heating funding schemes that can help you. You can check your eligibility for free heating grants on our website, and if you want to find out more, feel free to get in touch with us to speak to our team directly here at UK Energy Management.