Tips For Efficiently Heating Your Home During Spring

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Updated: Apr 18, 2023

Contrary to the mixed signals that the weather has been giving us, spring officially started on March 20th. With the promise of warmer days ahead, alongside the cost of living increase, most of us are itching for the temperature change that will allow us to turn our heating off ‘til winter rolls around again. However, deciding when to stop using your central heating is heavily dependent on what your ideal indoor temperature is, and many will still feel a chill during the spring months. So, if you want to save some cash whilst also keeping your home nice and toasty, read on to discover our top tips.

Loft insulation

1. Draft Excluders

Draft excluders provide the most straightforward and undemanding solutions to keeping warm for the next couple of months. Those pesky cold currents of air that flow underneath doors and through little gaps into your home are the main culprits. Of course, draft excluders won’t heat your home, but they will keep the cold air out, saving you energy and money in the process.

2. Thermal Curtains

You can substantially reduce the heat loss from any room by installing thermal curtains in front of your windows. In extreme circumstances, thermal curtains can also easily be installed on the front of your doors. You can have them custom-made to fit your specifications, or there are plenty of options online.

3. Energy Efficient Space Heaters

Energy efficient space heaters offer a more cost-effective method to heat your home. Although they can only heat the immediate space around them, they are inexpensive and portable, which makes them easy to move from one room to another. Look for a low-wattage heater, as they are cheaper than central heating alternatives.

4. Insulation

If your attic has no insulation, there is little point in generating all of that warm rising air. Loft insulation can easily be installed within a day or two, and will naturally save you significant amounts of money on your energy bills as the thermal efficiency of your home has been improved.

5. Smart Thermostats

Investing in a smart thermostat can help reduce your energy consumption tenfold. Smart thermostats automatically adjust the temperature of each room to match your requirements; some will even turn on and off when you leave or enter a room. This can drastically reduce your energy usage, and reduce any areas of waste that may have been driving your bills up. The multi-zone Wiser smart control system by Drayton, for instance, is a modern and adaptable solution which offers helpful cost-cutting sustainability measures for properties ranging from bungalows to large detached housing.

Are You Eligible For a Heating Upgrade?

The government-backed ECO4 scheme is designed to help vulnerable individuals and low-income households to become more energy efficient. Targeted at properties that fall within the efficiency bands E,F and G, the grant can be used for the installation or upgrade of cavity wall insulation, central heating

improvements and smart meters. Think you might be eligible? UK Energy Management can help. Simply check your eligibility here and we’ll take care of the rest. Contact us for more information.

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