What Are the Risks of Poor Ventilation in Your Home?

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In winter, it is natural to want to do everything possible to keep your home insulated and warm. While your double-glazing windows and insulated walls might be great for improving the energy efficiency of your home, they can also reduce air ventilation which opens you up to a plethora of risks.

Here are the top risks of poor ventilation in your home and how to avoid them.



Condensation is extremely prevalent in homes during the winter months, as the difference in temperature between the cold outdoors and the warm indoors is at its peak. Moisture will build up in the air of your home as you breathe, take a shower, cook or dry clothes and condense on windows and walls.

Air-box air valves are a great solution to combat condensation as they ensure proper air exchange.

Mould growth

Poor ventilation and high humidity can eventually lead to the build-up of mould in your home. You might start noticing it on floors, walls, ceilings and even furniture.

It is easily identified by black or green spotting and can cause allergic reactions and cold-like symptoms.

Respiratory problems and allergies

One of the most common risks of poor ventilation in your home is health problems.

You might notice a sore throat or irritation of the nose and eyes after spending a while in a poorly ventilated room. This is because airborne dust and particles stick to your hands and when you rub your nose, eyes or mouth, they can cause irritation.

Even a small amount of dust can trigger some people’s allergies.

If poor ventilation continues to be a problem, you might experience more severe symptoms like fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness and headaches. This can be heightened in people with respiratory diseases or asthma.

High electricity bills

If you live in a home with poor ventilation, you might find yourself needing to use a fan a lot more than normal during warm months to keep the air fresh.

Or, in winter, instead of opening windows, you might be cranking up the heating which can add up very quickly.

All of these can contribute unnecessarily towards higher electricity bills.

UK Energy Management (NE) Ltd: Affordable heating upgrades

If your building has inadequate ventilation, at UK Energy Management (NE) Ltd, we can help. We offer ventilation solutions to your property in addition to expert insulation work.

If your building’s ventilation is deemed inadequate, you might be eligible for insulation funding.

We also offer a range of other services, including loft insulation, new boiler installations and more.

Get in touch with a member of our friendly team here today for more information on the range of services we offer.

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