Three Efficient Ways To Keep Your Home Warm

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Updated: Jan 17, 2023

As the energy crisis continues to progress and the price of heating our homes follows the same narrative, many of us are trying to find new ways to keep our houses warm. Naturally, we’d all like to save some money on our heating bill so we have more in the bank left over for living expenses. There are, as you might expect, many ways in which we can achieve a warm home but how can we do this efficiently?

In recent years technological advancements have made some fairly large strides in the pursuit of more efficient heating. So, what are these advancements and how can they help you?

Remote energy app

There is a future where the energy to power and heat our homes is far cheaper than what is today. A future where carbon-free energy powers our lights and the sun heats our water. Unfortunately though, that future has not quite breached the surface of modern life yet. Yes, renewable energy is increasingly common and yes it is also becoming more and more efficient. However, the prices of these power sources remain extortionate and many homeowners simply can’t afford them. So, what are the alternatives? Keep reading this blog to find out.


Insulating your house is the first item any eco-conscious or energy-conscious homeowner should tick off their to-do list. After all, with a well-insulated house, you won’t require the central heating anywhere near as much. So, you can run your home with hardly any energy use at all!

Electric heating

There are some forms of electric heaters that are brilliantly efficient. As technology continues to progress we are seeing more and more innovative solutions for efficient heating and some electric heaters are leading the way on this front. Electric storage heaters for example are brilliant for your home and amazingly efficient!

Smart controls

Smart controls allow you to micro-manage your power usage so you are only using your heating and electricity when you really need to. This could save your home vast sums of money on the utility bill each month and help you do your bit in saving the planet!

If you’d like to heat your home efficiently and cost-effectively then here at UK Energy Management we can help. We have many years of experience in this field and can help and advise you on your journey to cheaper utility bills. Of course, we can’t reduce the bills altogether, unfortunately. However, we can do a great deal in helping to reduce them. Our staff are incredibly passionate and always listen to your concerns. So, you can be confident that you’re making the right decisions for your home and your family.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our experienced and passionate staff today to find out more about the services we offer!

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Don't worry, many homes do not have a current EPC certificate. Let's find your address from the Royal Mail instead:


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Don't worry, whilst your property doesn't have a current Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) we can still check your eligibility by taking some more details from you. Just click next button to proceed.

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The lower your home's energy efficiency rating, the more money the government make available for you to improve it.

Due to the EPC rating of your property, your home's rating is unlikely to be improved by the measures we install. We are sorry that we cannot help you further in this instance.


Unfortunately ECO4 funding is not currently available directly to the occupant of Social housing.

Please contact your Local Authority directly for more information on how to improve the Energy Efficiency Performance of your home.

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Fully funded solutions to improve your homes energy efficiency

Find out if you are eligible for 100% FREE energy efficiency upgrades, simply entering your postcode:
Don't worry, many homes do not have a current EPC certificate. Let's find your address from the Royal Mail instead:

Your address does not have a valid EPC certificate

Don't worry, whilst your property doesn't have a current Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) we can still check your eligibility by taking some more details from you. Just click next button to proceed.

Your rating score is:

Due to the EPC rating of your property, your home's rating is unlikely to be improved by the measures we install. We are sorry that we cannot help you further in this instance.
The lower your home's energy efficiency rating, the more money the government make available for you to improve it.
Unfortunately ECO4 funding is not currently available directly to the occupant of Social housing.

Please contact your Local Authority directly for more information on how to improve the Energy Efficiency Performance of your home.

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